Monday, April 05, 2010

If you've been reading this blog for at least the last minute and a half, you may have picked up on the fact that I am a photographer and I have a photo blog. On the internet. Photos. Many.


I must tell you this. My name is Alli and I hate excessive and overwhelmingly empty online photo albums. If you have two or sixty, I have one question (well, one appropriate question) for you. Why do you insist on posting photographs that a) are not in focus b) are repeats (with a wee hint of a different smile or alternate angle on your neighbor's daffodils) c) HAVE NOTHING IN THEM.

Do I hear the "hypocrite!" cry coming from the peanut gallery? Correct, I have photos online and yes, I have a lot. Hundreds per year. However, I shoot close to everyday. Sometimes, God help me, feeding myself and paying rent via what I post. But rather than waste anymore of your time, let's look at what's important here. Maybe you, you with your little Canon SD1300 snapping away at the bar, could grow into a moderately skilled amateur photographer, but no one! would ever! know! because! 44! out of! 50! photos! are! useless! Take out the aforementioned a, b, and c and maybe you are left with something that doesn't make you look like a snap-happy narcissist. Whatever, I know that blown-out, "soft focus" photo visually erased what you think is the beginning of a single crow toe, but get rid of it! Another flower from your recent visit to Georgia? If you think people need to see it for the 17th time, pardon my Tagalog, but fuckin' frame it.

I say this now only because I look at this photograph and say, "Ok, what is this photo?"

Matter-of-factly, it's the "View from our hotel balcony." Lame, lame, lame. Whooooo cares what the view from our hotel looked like aside from the two of us and my mom? And at that, my mom is only really interested if there's some kind of tale to accompany said photo.

"Ok, you photo elitist," you may say, "then why are you posting this if you have nothing to say?"

Well, darlings, because I do. It's just not in the photo. My bed, which was just inside those French doors, is my main interest in this shot. What's so great about a bed to a girl that finds sleep to be optional*? Well, it was nothing less than a delightful Murphy Bed and I did have to do some sleuth work to find it. If you know me, you know that some hidden furniture/Easter basket/presents and a little Nancy-Drew-ing go a long way A tip? Spot a room with a private full-bath and a large, mediocre painting done by an unknown artist on one wall and you may have yourself a Murphy Bed. What can I say? Malibu beach houses taught me well...

I know that it's weird that I could write just as much about the bed as I can the view, but... Murphy Beds are awesome. So again, I ask, "What is your photo?" and "What is this photo?" This photo is the grand possibility of one human to be sitting on a Murphy Bed in Paris, looking toward a different world...

Never exploit what it means to be in that kind of a moment.

I triple-dog-dare you to go edit your albums.

*Note to the wise? If you ever want to get me to sleep find me a Murphy Bed - or make (by make, I mean just ask) me do 1,000 cartwheels.


tp said...


Joel said...

Alli. I must submit a demur on behalf of Georgia and flowers. Currently, Georgia is in full bloom. Bradford Pear and Dogwood trees are spreading their brilliance, beauty, and blossoms. The killer azaleas will leave any northerner in awe with their firecracker colors. Falling and blowing blossoms create a surreal magical experience that astounds me every spring. How does one capture a snowfall of white and pink blossom pedals? A shower of delicate blowing pedals inspires professional and amateur to record the magical moment with Nikon, Canon, Minolta, or Fujica. Bad angle, over/under exposed, out of focus, asa/iso . . . at least they/we try to record a beautiful experience.

Springtime southern living includes these sights, smells, and a horrible amount of sneezing (pollen count 3,000). Allergy shots do help us cope with the haze of pollen that descends upon Atlanta. And I do mean an actual haze of pollen! Georgia inspires one to capture the three main all encompassing subjects . . . fish, flowers, and face. Soon, Cozumel will be photoed . . . rocks (windward side), the alluring azul water, and those lovely gorgeous fish! And yes, the ruins. Bring your Nikon, fins and enjoy some cavitation this summer. It is doubtful Murphy has a bed at The Safari Inn.

I enjoy your photos, comments, and exploits. A bit jealous I am. You have a gift. I would like my students to view your blog for inspiration and education, yet some language might cause a problem. How you use your eye and camera would be particularly interesting.

For a bit of friendly banter I sent you an overexposed out of focus flower shots Georgia. Enjoy!

Alli Harvey said...

Aw, Joel! I randomly pulled a state and things people photograph and Georgia flowers came up in my brain as the first combination. I have no doubt at all they are gorgeous along with the rest of Georgian landscape.

I would love for you to share my blog with your students. I rarely use such language in my writing (maybe 4 times since I started this blog in 2006), but sometimes, and mainly for tone, it's fitting. Totally understand where you are coming from though.

Of course, thank you for your kind words as I'm glad the blog is being read and appreciated!

Also... I don't know why the post is reading 0 comments now. Weird.

Joel said...

Hey Alli,
Thanks for the reply. No offense taken, just friendly banter. Yet, Georgia and flowers do marry well. Like cheese and my old state Wisconsin. Typos are hard to recover from, "I sent you some overexposed......flower shots of Georgia."

I would like to have my students transform your photos. Add color, line, shape, etc. and send you or post their alterations for input and discussion. I will send an example. For them to vicariously travel with you will open their inner city lives to a world they might never know. I showed them the scuba Cozumel video at the beginning of the year for inspiration ... they loved it! They were particularly taken with the child divers and the female on the top deck (you). I might need to edit that scene. It caused some disruption.

I have other ideas for the next school year. This project will do for now. If you don't mind seeing your photos "transformed" I will start the work after spring break.

Hope your jet lag wasn't too lasting.

All the best.

Joel said...

'Hope your jet lag "isn't" lasting too long.'

My current typo excuse ... late night writing has some drawbacks.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to put up an Internet slow-clap for this, because you're ranting last-scene-in-The-Girl-Next-Door-style, and it's excellent.

and, because of your noble [but tragically, I fear, in vain] efforts to save the world from more photo albums like my own sad sad sad ones. and that, my dear, is commendable.
