Friday, April 09, 2010

Friday, Friday, Friday.

Last night was gorgeous. Hanging out in the West Village, we all decided to call it a night around 12:30. Early evening, if you ask me. Most of those kids live over in those parts, so I was the only one with a glorious long walk ahead of me.

What? Were all the cabs in New York broken? Were the MTA workers on strike?

No. I'm just bananas.

Bananas and in all of my glory. I had my baby with me, I had my music with me, there were happy people with margaritas and ice cream cones everywhere, what more could I ask for?

For Madonna's "Cherish" to come on my iPod about 15 minutes into my walk. That's what. My favorite "sing and dance your little heart down the streets of New York" song. And sing and dance I did. There are plenty of loonies in New York, that no one even bothers to turn their head when someone beebops down the street in his/her own little world. No one of whom I was aware at least.

But I guess that's standard too.

Photo: Mural on Houston and Bowery. Taken on another evening's late-night walk home, but fitting for this entry nonetheless.


Joel said...

Please walk safely. Tempting fate? What kind of diapers do you use on your baby? Huggies? Pampers? Gender? Androgynous?

Alli Harvey said...

Always careful, Joel. It's probably safer than walking around downtown Pittsburgh at that time. On a beautiful evening like that Thursday night, there are so many people around it does nothing but make you happy. Just gotta keep a good head on your shoulders and know where to go.

Haha and the baby is my camera, of course.