Monday, August 30, 2010


Ohhhh goodness, so here we are, returning to the beautiful wedding of Allison Flak to Eugene Lancas after another wedding-filled August weekend. Facebook tells me everyone got married this past weekend, but that can't possibly be true. Yes, I was in Philly acting as the Maid of Honor for my best friend from college, Caitlin Middleton (Fling), so you'd have to have some people in and at the weddings, not the ones taking the vows.

I did vow, however, to eat a lot of pound cake, but my commitments extended no further.

Although I will say, if everyone DID get married this weekend, Bob Ross* himself couldn't have painted better weather, so kudos to you all.

Photo: Cousin Eug and wife Allison shoving delicious cake into one another's pie hole, or cake hole, I guess.

*I initially typed God, but Bob Ross was my second and much more fitting choice, which raises an interesting question... Synonyms? What if all that time painting happy trees... think about it.

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