Thursday, January 10, 2008

The first evening back in Hong Kong, Dwight and Cholo, plus the Romanian light guys and I headed out to find dinner. We made the brash decision to leave the ship at about 11:30 with no maps or ideas of where to eat, in hopes of making our experience, well, more of an experience.

And I can say that we were quite successful. Our late night walk around Hong Kong turned into "Inappropriate Phrases In Other Languages: 101". That's actually one of the best parts of being away from home and in working environments such as this. I often forget that aside from the British captain, I am the only native English speaker on board. It's very weird to think that way, but it makes my contributions to such conversations less fun. And as a side note, guy talk in other languages is funny. Maybe better than in English.

Furthermore, I've confirmed that many of the Balkan States don't have curse words in their native tongues, but do indeed borrow them from the Serbians. I read about that awhile ago, but just thought that I would publish that confirmation for those that I told this to.

P.S. - That is one lengthy noodle.

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