Thursday, May 24, 2012

Of these photos, I'm not sure which I like best, but the middle one is a heavy favorite.

In the top photo, we've got a bumper stick that reads: God Bless John Wayne. Pretty solid statement, I think. God Bless John Wayne, indeed.

In the middle photo, we've got a bulletin notifying the bar regulars (and anyone interested, I'd imagine) that Elena Silva (Gloria's sister) is coming to town to do hair at Gloria and Bill's. Cut, color and "hair do's" all for the cost of a donation. The best part? No appointment necessary, just come on in! You know what? God bless Elena too.

Last, but most certainly not least, the sign on the left reads: Don't let these innocent smiles fool you, these are cruel, vicious women. Kudos to whoever stapled that one up there.


P.S. - All of the dollar bills pictured have been signed and posted by patrons and visitors throughout the years. Ours reads: With love, Blue Jean Baby, L.A. Lady and Roger. It's stuck somewhere on the ceiling by the corner seats of the bar. Someone has a photo of it, but I dropped the ball on that one.

1 comment:

tp said...

Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man
Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand...

We need something more than a "like" for this.