Saturday, June 21, 2008

Finally seeing Entrain live on 6/11 (wow, I'm late in posting... sorry guys) was quite the pleasure for this little music nerd. I started listening to these guys a lonnng time ago and for some reason, probably my remitting ADD, they unfortunately fell off of my audio radar for the past few years.

This should have never happened.

When one band can gather a group of hooligans from all walks of life and make them all dance by the end of the show, I must tip my hat and kick myself down the street for laying their records aside.

What I'm trying to say is: have a listen.

1 comment:

Ed said...

That's gorgeously sharp. Also, you manage to focus the eye in a busy photo.

I'm not going to bother commenting on two photos in a row, but I love the expression on the man's face.

I took a listen's Reel Big Fish and the Violent Femmes' lovechild! Well, sort of.