Friday, November 02, 2007

Our next destination was Borgus, more-or-less a breaking check point in the race. This CP was the rappel site, located on a cliff above the sea. We ended up staying at this point for two days, traveling by night to get there. It was a nice hour ride on the back of the bike, with me just starring at the stars as we flew by. Aside from the noise of the bike, it was the kind of silence that only a certain mindset truly appreciates. That was one of the first times I grew curious about lives at home.

In any case, the first overnight was spent on that cliff above the sea, in a non-waterproof sleeping bag, sleeping with one tarp above us (set up on sticks) and one below annnd guess what ... it frickin' poured. Now I can, with confidence, say that I've slept in a large puddle. I mean what was I supposed to do, but go back to sleep? There was absolutely nothing I could do.

When I awoke, I was obviously drenched and in desperate need of a shower. Luckily, there was a missionary aways down the road that came up to offer us just that. This missionary is unlike any I've ever heard of, as it was started by some surfers that wanted to do things in addition to surfing and partying.

Not only did they provide us with fresh coffee and fresh water, but they let us borrow some of their surf boards. By the way, Siargao, the island we were on is the surfing capital of the Philippines, hosting at least two international surfing competitions at its increasingly more famous break, Cloud 9.

We took the whole morning to surf with the rationale that by the time we were done, we could catch the tail of the race to photograph the stragglers. Good plan, right?

The second night, we slept on the beach. Not a soul around with the light of the CP shining in the distance.

Back to the pic: I love fresh coconuts. A nice young fellow climbed alllll the way to the top of a coconut tree situated on the cliff to pick one for me. Such a refreshing snack. I think I had about 7 coconuts over the duration of the trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

alli nov2 is my bday