Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Edith Shain, 90, in Times Square on Friday speaking about her iconic role in history as the nurse pulled aside by a celebrating sailor and kissed in Times Square on August 14th, 1945, the day of the Japanese surrender. You know the image - in fact, I blogged about it during Fleet Week! And as many of you have experienced, my obsession with her generation, this part of history and this perfect photo runs far deeper than even my obsession with Cole Haan's finest pebbled leather anything.

What's even cooler about bringing Edith back to Times Square is that it was sponsored by an organization called Keep the Spirit of '45 Alive which is dedicated to collecting stories of the end of the World War II and the effort it took to rebuild the globe. This non-profit celebrates the greatest generation and hopes to inspire and encourage younger generations to embody the same valor, commitment, ethics and service it took to reconstruct the world.

I love it, love it, love it. Take a lesson, kids and go through the four stories showcased on the site currently. Maybe you'll learn something.

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