Monday, February 11, 2008

Bangkok has a really sweet airport and if I hadn't been a tad rushed, there would have been cooler pictures.

Actually I had a whole conclusive schpeel (haha sp?) for this picture, but I forget now. The important part about it is that I was leaving to catch up with Cholo in Manila for what would be an epic journey north.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could tell you how to correctly spell "schpeel" but one of the annoying things about Yiddish is that its nearly almost always impossible to spell correctly in English. good use my jewess in training!

Anonymous said...

"schpiel" ;)


ps christelle is in pagupud, illocos, right now and is heading to baguio on sunday. go find her!

Alli Harvey said...

that's where we were!

Cho's fam has a house in both places... crazy!