As our December sun is setting...
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
In a few short, or in our case, very long years, this room will have been completely transformed. Every click of the shutter is less than one second in rock history, less than one second in any of our lives. Come 2014, this room will not look as it does in this photo, in the photos below. While they aren't such a big deal now, these photos will be used to tell our children, both staff and patron alike, about our great days of arena rock.
DMB/Madison Square Garden/New York, NY/12.13.10
Monday, December 27, 2010
After I snapped the shutter on this shot, TP and I shuffled off to the next location. Prior to arriving at said location, I stopped him in the middle of the aisle and gave him the biggest hug that me, a non-hugger, was capable of giving. Without him, this shot would have never happened.
And yes, that is what a 360° sell-out looks like. The row of shadow behind the upstage moving lights? All heads of concert-goers. Pretty neat, huh?
DMB/Madison Square Garden/New York, NY/12.13.10
Friday, December 24, 2010
I asked a boy whom I dated once, "When does one get tired of this?"
"Of what?"
"I don't know, of this..."
While it was a serious, yet quizzical moment in my later college years, pondering love and its aftereffects, I find I'm now asked the same question about work. For as hopeless a romantic as I unfortunately am, I find myself never curious of impending familiarity, as there's never a chance to sit at the same table, let alone use the same dishware.
It's very similar to a roll of film, really - never the same frame - unless you are getting artsy with overlays and multiple exposures. But that analogy is for another time and another place.
So whether the question at hand is being asked of love or of work, I suppose my answers are, for better or for worse, very similar. Haha, fascinating, eh? A balancing act of epic proportions, for sure.
DMB/Madison Square Garden/New York, NY/12.13.10
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A million posts ago, I was writing about DMB's show on 11.12.10. Life gets kinda busy sometimes, so you end up skipping things that are quite important. Like day two of said DMB engagement at the Garden. I hope you don't mind, but the next few days shall be devoted to 11.13.10.
Carter Beauford of Dave Matthews Band/Madison Square Garden/New York, NY/11.13.10
Monday, December 20, 2010
Nothing says party! like a giant-penis foam-cannon! Woooo hoooo!
While the above scene is a little (um, a lot?) ridiculous, you cannot forget that this show was a grand moment in time for German industrial metal band, Rammstein. The Berlin-based, six-piece band hadn't played in the United States since 2001 and in their sixteen years of touring, had never played Madison Square Garden.
This show sold out in under thirty minutes - the first and only German band to do this at our tiny, little arena.
At over 120 dB, this is the only show I've ever found ear plugs appropriate.
Photo: Till Lindemann, lead singer of Rammstein/Madison Square Garden/New York, NY/12.11.10
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hey Jude, don't make it bad;
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.
Hey Jude, don't be afraid;
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.
And any time you feel the pain,
Hey Jude, refrain,
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.
For well you know that it's a fool, who plays it cool,
By making his world a little colder.
Hey Jude, don't let me down;
You have found her, now go and get her.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.
Photo: Paul McCartney/Apollo Theater/Harlem, New York, NY/12.13.10
Note: All photos from this night were taken on a crap pocket cam. Yeah... I wish I had had the baby too... but... not been anywhere close to that press line. However, despite me not shooting with a semi-decent rig, my dear friend, Mr. Bob Gruen was there as well, so I think we're covered in adequate documentation of the evening.
Confetti! Autographs! Abbey Road! Celebrities galore! When you are seated eight rows ahead of Keith Richards, Ronnie Wood, Matt Damon Alec Baldwin and Val Kilmer, you can't help but look around, realize you are front row, center, and wonder if someone made a mistake. Whatever, you look great, so when Paul busts into "Back in the U.S.S.R" or "I Saw Her Standing There" or Marvin Gaye's "Hitch Hike" - all you can do is dance your little butt off. If you're going to be there? Be there... and hope Keith Richards enjoys your performance.
Check out Rolling Stone's coverage!
Photo: Paul McCartney signs autographs at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York, NY - his smallest gig since he played the Cavern Club in Liverpool in 1999 - on December 13th, 2010.
P.S. - "Blackbird" and "Back in the U.S.S.R"? Best performances of the night.
Who can figure out what makes this photo so rad? Yes, it has to do with the fact that that is Paul McCartney's hand and yes, that it's Paul McCartney's acoustic guitar, but that's not it.
It doesn't, however, have to do with the quality of the photo - pocket cam night for sure.
Photo: Paul McCartney/Apollo Theater/Harlem, New York, NY/12.13.10
Friday, December 10, 2010
6:07 a.m. Wednesday morning, I walk out of my friend's apartment. My brown-leather, jane-stitch boots stop at the door saddle right before I step into the 29° chill that is Cambridge, Massachusetts. My hands find my in-ears in my left pocket. One ear, two ears.
The boots step out of the door, up the stairs and make a right to what I soon notice as east. With the first beat of Jose Gonzalez's version of "Heartbeats", my iPod reads my mind. At that moment, I'm very glad to be walking toward the light with my little red rolling suitcase rather than away. For some reason, the cold makes it that much prettier... as if everything, except me, is moving slower due to the frigid air.
After all, I was dressed for work and had a train to a bus to catch straight back to Madison Square Garden. I have places to be, things to do, but as I approach the steps to the train station, I slow my steps to play the song one more time.
And then proceed to fall down the stairs. Head over suitcase.
When I reach the bottom, I sit there for a second and pause to think about how I've been living my life in those past two days. In the past two months. In the past two years. All to the sounds of Jose Gonzalez's version of "Heartbeats".
I pick myself up with a big grin, a chuckle and a shake of my head. My life couldn't have been more perfect in that moment. With a tap of my Charlie Card at the gate, back to South Station, back to New York I go.
Friday, December 03, 2010
Whenever TP asks me to bring my camera to work, I know that adventure is going to ensue whether it's climbing to the roof of my favorite building in New York, climbing to the highest point in New York or perhaps just climbing over road cases to photograph Bono taking a snooze amongst the gear in the expo (missed that one, but... lesson learned).
December 1st, 2010 was no different.
The last time I had been to the top of this building was with the Beach Boys, haha and let me tell you, it was a little bit of a different experience this time around. But let's be serious. You can only climb to the top of the Empire State Building with the Beach Boys soooo many times.
Anywho, the above photo is precisely what thousands of people take multiple elevators to the top to see, to feel, to experience. Really, it's something that everyone, who remotely cares about what man has created during his time on Earth, should see. The asphalt jungle*. Years of growth, hand by hand, brick by brick. This elevated perspective grants, in its most ironic sense, the rare and quite literal view of the forest for the trees.
The funny thing about this town is that for most people, it's actually harder to truly see the trees than it is to know that there is a forest. That old building you walked by in Alphabet City last night serves the forest just as well as a moss as the more grandiose structures do as the Redwoods. Manhattan as an identifiable, functioning ecosystem with species and subspecies of artificial, yet intricately designed life.
It was freezing and it was windy, but again I find myself saying, there's nowhere else on the planet I would have rather been at that moment.
*I'll take 1950s film noir for $500 please, Alex.
Considering a revisit to this train of thought in the morning, so expect alterations and additions to come.
Now how about this for some perspective...
To me, this is probably a more poignant shot than any of those preceding it. It's not as glamorous. It's not as aesthetically pleasing. It's not as colorful. And in it's lines? It's not close to as grand.
What it is though, is the highest point in New York City. Yes, yes, the shots looking down upon the lights, the cars, the buildings, the rivers, the bridges are lovely, but why does one have a desire to be at the top of the Empire State Building?
Because it is the highest point in New York City and you are looking at it.
It is important in cinema. It is important in literature. It is important in history.
It is important as an icon.
Most people find themselves at the Empire's Observatory to look down and wonder, but I find it much more fascinating to look to the top of the spire, which was at one time, the top of the man-made world.
Just brilliant.
Photo: Empire State Building/12.1.10
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Thanks to my dear friend, Jessy Qussar, I got to cross off bucket list item #984:
My assessments? What a crazy old fellow he is. In fact, so crazy and old, I prefer all of my shots of his drummer.
Photo: Tommy Clufetos, Ozzy Osbourne's drummer, performs at Madison Square Garden on December 1st, 2010.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
No, the parade isn't for everyone, but if you're going to do it? Do it proper.
Personally, I love the parade. Very grateful for this city and all the incredible moments it offers.
Photo: The Thanksgiving Day Parade arrives on the Macy's Star in front of Macy's on 34th Street in New York City on November 25, 2010.